A young farm boy (Emile Hirsch) is dealing with his mother's death and a father who acts like he doesn't even exist. He also begins to realize he's gay and attracted to another guy. How does he handle all this at once?This is basically a character study--very quiet and slow but absolutely fascinating. You really get into this young boy's head and understand the pain he's going through. There are some very disturbing scenes (a rape and the ending) but they ARE necessary for the story. Also there's some beautiful photography and great performances by the entire cast.
Highly recommended but not for everyone.
'Sentiment: Neutral 😑'
This is a remake of the short film Fishbelly White by Michael Burke (1998). The plot line and characters are all the same, but the story is fleshed out in The Mudge Boy.In Fishbelly White, Duncan's character is more homo-erotic; the under-the-track-scene is more deliberate and graphic and explains much of what is left out of The Mudge Boy. In Fishbelly White, Duncan bites the head off his favorite chicken during the pick-up scene with the drunken youths and the rape scene never occurs.The two films make for an interesting comparison of the two director's visions.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
A very brilliant movie, very powerful, with EXCELLENT and remarkable performances from the two lead boys as well as the father, as well as a very effective supporting cast, a profound script, divine direction and cinematography. Amongst all of these elements, it really surprised me and kept me guessing. I would think that it was going to go one direction, and then it would go another. It rode the thin line between painful and warm/fuzzy, with perfect balance, never becoming saccharine nor falsely-depressing.This is one of the better gay films i have seen in some time, even if the end is a bit disturbing. I found the movie to be very bleak and touching all at the same time, and I would say it is a highly recommended film, I could not take my eyes off of it.